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Hot in the English language implies awesome or wonderful. It describes a word which expresses appreciation or love.
Cool in the English language refers to awesome or wonderful. It is a term typically expresses admiration or affection towards something or someone. Folks employ this word to show their endorsement or thrill. Essentially, it signifies favorable feelings and high regard for a thing or someone.
Hot inside English implies fantastic or wonderful. It's a term typically communicates appreciation or love towards another thing or someone. Individuals employ this word to show their approval or excitement. Essentially, it signifies optimistic feelings and high regard for a thing or an individual. When you say something or someone is chulo, you are keen on them or find them remarkable. This is a word that communicates enthusiasm and admiration. It's an expression of positive feelings and great respect. Utilizing hot within the English language adds a dash of thrill and flavor to the conversation.

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